Working Together to Protect
Our Common Resources
Hello TSC friends and supporters! We wanted to reach out with a special middle-of-the-month message to highlight two engagement opportunities to help advance the movement towards a reimagined capitalism. Please see below for details, and let us know if you have any questions or comments.
Responding to the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL)
comment period on the proposed ESG amendments
Friday, July 17th at 12pm ET
Thinking about responding to the DOL comment period on its latest proposal challenging ESG integration? Wondering whether your response will make a difference? Debating what arguments may be most effective? Together with our friends at The Predistribution Initiative, we are hosting an interactive and informal discussion featuring an example letter drafted by Jon Lukomnik with input from Keith Johnson. The discussion will include opening remarks by Bhakti Mirchandani and Bob Eccles explaining the proposal and why it is important to respond. The webinar is intended
to support participants in drafting their own letters and educating participants on the concepts of systemic risk and return. We also note, as highlighted by Paul Rissman of Rights CoLab, that the DOL may respond well to hearing directly from beneficiaries. We therefore encourage you to share this message and/or what you learn on
this webinar with ERISA beneficiaries, as well.
Additional reading:
- Bhakti Mirchandani, Director of Responsible Investing, Trinity Church Wall Street
- Bob Eccles, Visiting Professor of Management Practice, Said Business School, University of Oxford
- Jon Lukomnik, Managing Partner, Sinclair Capital and Senior Fellow, High Meadows Institute
- Keith Johnson, Co-Chair, Institutional Investor Services Group, Reinhart Boerner Van Deuren s.c. and Former Wisconsin Investment Board Chief Counsel
- Moderated by Delilah Rothenberg, Founder & Executive Director, Predistribution Initiative and Rick Alexander, Founder, The Shareholder Commons
Join The Guardrail Project
This week we hosted our kick-off webinar for The Guardrail Project, which was a huge milestone for our most foundational initiative. In case you missed it, you can watch the recording here.
We'll be looking to engage asset owners, managers, and other experts in intimate, high-level workshops later this summer and fall as we work towards a guardrail strategy for the 2021 proxy season. If you are interest in getting involved, or know someone in your network whose voice should be in this conversation, you can sign up here or feel free to reach out to us to discuss further.
That's it for this brief announcement - look out for your regularly scheduled newsletter at the end of the month. In the meantime, stay sane, stay healthy, and don’t forget to breathe.
Please send this email along to anyone
who may be interested in getting involved,
or could assist us with moving our work forward.